Mode State Stage

Realize your Potential through Self- and Other-knowledge

“The stage is set, but the actors have yet to play”

Personality type contributes to the way we see the world – so do various other factors, for example, our upbringing – but it does not completely determine it. The extent of the influence of our personality type is determined by our awareness of its role in influencing our thinking and experience. Thus, it is consciousness of our predisposition and its role that will ultimately determine our ability to constructively work with its influence.

Hence, in the MSS methodology, free will is endorsed and determinism is mediated by our freedom to choose based on our self-awareness. The words “The stage is set, but the actors have yet to play” (Source unknown: to be attributed) to varying degrees describes this notion.

Related topics (tags): unconscious, unconsciousness, Shadow, self-awareness, predisposition cognition, inferior function/mode

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