Mode State Stage

Realize your Potential through Self- and Other-knowledge


Mode State Stage, an Overview

Mode State Stage is a new model for understanding ourselves and others. It enables this understanding by combining structure and process. This article is aimed at providing an overview of the model. Each of the elements (Mode, State, Stage) of the model is dealt with, starting with ‘Mode’. Note that all elements, or aspects, of […]

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Know your Modal Disposition

Know your Modal Disposition The Mode State Stage (MSS) model (the MSS-J16) reflects psychiatrist Dr Carl Jung’s four functions (Sharp 12) – feeling, intuition, sensing, and thinking – as quadrants of the circle (for this diagram, see representing the whole of cognition and Jung's psychological functions – otherwise described as personality inclination and mindset. […]

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Personality type projections – an avoidable cause of conflict

Personality type projections – an avoidable cause of conflict Many of us, if not most of us, tend – under the influence of our predispositions – to assume that others see the world the way we do. Otherwise put, we are predisposed to assuming that others see and experience the world the way we do. […]

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“The stage is set, but the actors have yet to play”

“The stage is set, but the actors have yet to play” Personality type contributes to the way we see the world – so do various other factors, for example, our upbringing – but it does not completely determine it. The extent of the influence of our personality type is determined by our awareness of its […]

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